Article Marketing

Article Marketing

One of the popular yet time tested methods of marketing online is known as article marketing. In fact, the article you are now reading may very well be part of an article marketing campaign. This method of getting visitors to come to your website is responsible for a lot of valuable information being published for you to freely access online. Unfortunately, it is also the reason for so much redundant, copied content on the web.

On the upside, many professionals doing business online know that they need to get your attention and establish themselves as experts in their fields. In order to do this they are willing to provide information for free that lets you know who they are and what they can do for you and will also help with what the problem is that you are seeking to solve. Salespeople know that customers will buy from you when they like you and trust you. Providing knowledgeable articles is a great way to let people feel like they know you and what you are about.

Unfortunately, not all marketers are experts in their fields and are more interested in making money than in providing valuable services. Having their website show up at the top of the search engines results is their key priority and a key factor in getting that coveted position can be the number of “backlinks” to their websites.

One of the key ways that search engines determine which website will receive top rankings is by the number of links found elsewhere on the Web that point back to that site. This is interpreted as meaning that other Internet users are finding material on that site relevant. Thankfully, search engines have become very sophisticated in the last few years and are no longer giving high credence to poorly written or copied articles.

Interestingly, though article marketing came about primarily as a marketing tool it actually has become a way for service providers to give value. Articles are inexpensive to produce yet can contain very useful information that serves both potential customers and the publisher, resulting in a win-win situation for all involved. A search engines have become more sophisticated they have ceased to give credit to copy articles thereby raising the standards required for marketing by publishing articles.You no longer have to spend hours finding info about Indianapolis email marketing.
